Thursday, December 17, 2009

PETA Against Animal Testing

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The cosmetic companies point out the following benefits for cosmetic testing on animals:

- Protecting the human health and safety: The companies claim that protecting human health is the main reason for carrying out the cosmetic testing on animals. The companies claim to carry out these tests so that they could establish the safety of their products beyond doubts.

- The cosmetic animal testing also enables the company to maintain a competitive edge over the other companies.

- The companies also feel that they are safeguarding the environment by testing their cosmetics on animals.

- It is said that the consumers have also been putting pressure on the companies to offer safe and improved products.

- The tests performed on animals are not entirely reliable as they give guarantee protection to the people only for a short period of time.

The following are the disadvantages of the cosmetic animal testing:

- It causes severe allergic reactions to the tested animals.

- The cosmetic testing could also cause liver problems, swollen eyelids, ulceration and bleeding to the animals.

- Inhuman treatment of the animals.

- The animals are said to have a different distribution of fine blood vessels and their skin does not react in the same way to the tests as that of a human.

- The cosmetic testing on animals is very expensive.

- The cosmetic testing on animals is said to be less reliable.

- The animals are made to endure a lot of tests in the labs making the end-result meaningless.

The critics point out that the alternatives to the animal testing could also be used to test the safety of the cosmetics. The alternatives are cell cultures, tissue cultures, corneas from the eye banks and sophisticated computer models.

The following are the alternatives that could be used in the place of cosmetic testing on animals:

- A HET-CAM test for eye-irritancy could be done. These tests have been successfully carried out in Germany and Belgium.

- The vitro methods could be used to test the skin irritation.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'd Rather Go Naked

PETA launched its "Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign with the help of the popular rock band, The Go Go's in 1991 to raise awareness about the millions of animals who are trapped, drowned, beaten, and electrocuted for their fur. Since then, thousands of compassionate people have bared their bodies for a variety of PETA campaigns to help animals in need.

The long-running campaigns "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur," in which supermodels and celebrities appear nude to express their opposition to wearing fur. The organization is known for its unusual mix of celebrity supporters, such as Paul McCartney, Pamela Anderson, and Sarah Jessica Parker, combined with undercover investigations and aggressive media campaigns. Supermodels such as Christy Turlington, Eva Mendes and Naomi Campbell have posed nude on billboards with the slogan "I'd Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur" displayed across their chests.

Passionate supporter of PETA, supermodel and actress, Eva Mendes believes fashion should be fun, but there's nothing fun about the animal suffering caused by the fur industry. When Eva learned how cruel the fur industry is and that there are no laws to protect many of the animals who are raised or trapped for fur, she vowed never to wear fur again. To kill animals without damaging their fur, trappers usually strangle, beat, or stomp them to death, and some are even skinned alive or have their throats cut while they are still conscious. Eva says, "At a time when there is so much violence in the world, this is one type of violence that all of us can help stop, by being informed consumers." Eva Mendes strongly supports animal rights and refuses to wear fur.

Anti Fur Activists

Most people do not fully comprehend the extent of brutality that is the fur industry which has no morals or compassion towards those whose skins have enriched them. Their innocent victims are kept in horrifying conditions during their entire lives before meeting with the most torturous deaths imaginable.  By informing consumers globally, anti fur activists hope to help empathetic citizens to make careful decisions when purchasing what could be killing animals.

Anti fur activists promote: Anti-fur or leather use, anti-cruelty in general, activism, anti-fur groups, and cooperate with anti-fur groups worldwide. Helping strengthen anti-fur groups, forming alliances with groups  and ending the fur trade to save animals is their goal

The goal of the anti fur activists is to form a chain of anti-fur groups around the world, each group bringing awareness  to  their  own  areas.  The maliciousness  of the fur industry are extremely established, therefore activists are obliged to educate or convert everyone, if not, we will never live to see the end of suffering for  fur bearing animals.  Anti fur activists help form groups and give special attention in areas known for atrocities against fur animals. Through diplomacy, education, campaigns, and  demonstrations, anti fur activists fight to bring awareness to society worldwide.


Frightful Fur Farms

In many fur farms, especially Chinese Fur farms, animals are still alive and struggling desperately when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them up by their legs or tails to skin them. When workers on these farms begin to cut the skin and fur from an animal's leg, the free limbs kick and twist. Workers stomp on the necks and heads of animals who struggle too hard to allow a clean cut.

When the fur is finally peeled off over the animals' heads, their naked, bloody bodies are thrown onto a pile of those who have gone before them. Some are still alive, breathing in ragged gasps and blinking slowly. Some of the animals' hearts are still beating five to 10 minutes after they are skinned.

Before they are skinned alive, animals are pulled from their cages and thrown to the ground, workers club them with metal rods or slam them on hard surfaces, causing broken bones and convulsions but not always an immediate death. Animals watch helplessly as workers make their way down the row. In China, There are no regulations governing fur farms, farmers can house and slaughter animals however they see good enough to skin. In their lives and their horrfying deaths, these animals have been denied their freedom and the simplest acts of kindness. On these farms, foxes, minks, rabbits, and other animals pace and quiver in outdoor wire cages, exposed to forceful rain, freezing nights, and, at other times, scorching sun. Mother animals, who are driven crazy from rough handling and intense confinement and have nowhere to hide while giving birth, often kill their babies after delivering litters.

The only way to prevent such unimaginable cruelty is never to wear any fur.

Warning: This video is very graphic

Wearing Fur is a Big NO!

Each year over 50 million animals are murdered for fashion by the fur industry. The majority of the animals spend their entire lives on fur farms where every natural instinct is denied to them. Animals on fur farms often show revelatory signs of insanity such as nervous pacing, self-mutilation, and cannibalism. In the end of their lives, living in cramped and unsanitary conditions, these animals die a torturous and painful death at the hands of the fur farmer.

For the millions of animals trapped in the wild, their fate is no better. Often animals caught in traps attempt to chew off their own legs to escape; some bleed to death before the trapper arrives; and others fall in to predators while trapped. Even “non-target” animals are often caught in these traps. Unwanted, these animals are thrown away or set free with fatal injuries. For the animals that do survive until the trapper arrives, death is inescapable.

Animals are killed for their fur using such methods as gassing, trapping, anal or vaginal electrocution, neck breaking, stomping, clubbing or drowning, and some are even skinned alive. As their skin is being torn from their muscle they are often still moving and fighting for their lives. Numerous animals continue to move once they are skinless and thrown away. 
To make one fur coat the following number of animals suffer and die:

  • 12 to 15 lynxes
  • 10 to 15 wolves or coyotes
  • 15 to 20 foxes
  • 35 rabbits
  • 60 to 80 minks
  • 27 to 30 raccoons
  • 10 to 12 beavers
  • 60 to 100 squirrels
  • 200 chinchillas  

Coca-cola light fashion show

The Logo

The famous Coca-Cola logo was created by John Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson, in 1885, using a distinctive cursive script. Robinson started in early Coca-Cola advertising to promote his coke by giving away thousands of free drink coupons and plastering the city of Atlanta with publicity banners and streetcar sign.

The bottle design

The famous Coca-Cola bottle, called the "contour bottle" within the company, created in 1915 by bottle designer Earl R. Dean. In 1915, the Coca-Cola Company launched a competition among its bottle suppliers to create a new bottle for the beverage that would distinguish it from other beverage bottles, "a bottle which a person could recognize even if they felt it in the dark, and so shaped that, even if broken, a person could tell at a glance what it was."

Coca-Cola's advertising has significantly affected the world, how it created the image of Santa Claus as an old man in a red-and-white suit now this has become world known that Santa Claus wears red and white.. ? But before Santa Claus, Coca-Cola relied on images of smartly-dressed young women to sell its beverages. Now in the recent years coca cola has been using " Lifestyle" to sell their drink... for example this video

"The coke side of life"

This video is telling us if we drink Coke .... we become powerful,fearless and pretty much have anything we want, no one can stop us.

Another amazing video they created... this video is showing a whole new world of Coca Cola !!!

See what advertising is doing to us?? It works well but this is brain washing us !

Coca cola has become so famous that they decided to make their own Clothing, bags and accessories, they even have their own fashion show.
Coca cola formerly launched it's clothing line , creatively called "coca cola clothing, but according to the public their clothes we'rent too good. Coca cola probably wants to extend into clothing because their Beverage is already good enough and known to the world. they wanted to see if they can expand in other fields of marketing .

Coca Cola light which is diet coke organized a joint event with the offices of “the city of Milan” to raise money for the Abruzzo earthquake victims —a Coca Cola bottle fashion show.

8 famous Italian fashion designers “dressed” 4 Coca Cola light bottle each for a total of 32 unique designs — Alberta Ferretti, Anna Molinari per Blumarine, Veronica Etro, Silvia Venturini perFendi, Consuelo Castiglioni per Marni, Angela Missoni, Rossella Jardini per Moschino e Donatella Versace — each one showcased during the Coca Cola fashion show.

Each bottle is 1.4 meters tall and they were all sold at an auction after being used during the show. They are now on display all over the city.

400,000 “fashion Coca Cola light” bottles will be sold in bars all over the city during fashion week.

I wonder how much people would pay for donation but its a smart way to keep the brand relevant, present and in media press.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is a 'sweatshop' ?

A sweatshop is a working environment with conditions that are considered by many people of industrialized nations to be difficult or dangerous - usually where the workers have few opportunities to address their situation. This can include exposure to harmful materials, hazardous situations, extreme temperatures, or abuse from employers. Sweatshop workers often work long hours for little pay, regardless of any laws commanding overtime pay or minimum wage. Child labour laws may also be violated.

Although often associated with third world countries, sweatshops may exist in any country. Sweatshops have existed in several different countries and cultures, including in the United States and Europe. Sweatshops usually employ low levels of technology, but may produce many different goods - for instance, toys, shoes, clothing, and furniture.

Meanwhile, defenders of sweatshops, such as Paul Krugman and Johan Norberg, claim that people choose to work in sweatshops because the sweatshops offer them substantially higher wages and better working conditions compared to their previous jobs of manual farm labor, and also that sweatshops are an early step in the process of technological and economic development whereby a poor country turns itself into a rich country. Economists are focused on "trade offs" and when it comes to sweatshops, they ask whether the alternative of unemployment or even worse employment is better.

In addition, sometimes when anti-sweatshop activists were successful in getting sweatshops to close, some of the employees who had been working in the sweatshops ended up starving to death, while others ended up turning to prostitution.

Focus: PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

It's a Fur-real issue that innocent animals are being skinned daily for fur to be made into high fashion accessories. PETA's campaign Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur has made great impacts on designers around the globe.

Kim Basinger is an Academy Award-winning actor and animal advocate who she sent a letter to leading Chinese designer Luo Zheng reminding her that there's nothing fashionable about using the skins of dead animals in her designs.

Kim writes:
As you may know, this is an issue that is very dear to my heart. I have avoided wearing real fur for many years ….
PETA's heartrending investigations have documented that animals, including dogs and cats, are bludgeoned, hanged, bled to death, strangled with wire nooses, and skinned alive. Workers have been caught beating raccoons, dogs and foxes with metal rods and leaving them to convulse on the ground. Some animals are injured but still completely conscious as they are skinned, and they kick and writhe as their skin is ripped from their bodies.

Already, high fashion designers such as Vivienne Westwood and Stella McCartney have refused to use fur in their designs after joining the PETA team. Hopefully many more designers join the ranks of their fellow artists and one day make the fashion world a fur-free and animal safe industry.

An Introduction to the Cruel World of Cosmetic Animal Testing

Every year, cosmetics companies kill millions of animals to test their up and coming products. These companies claim they test on animals to establish the safety of their products and ingredients for consumers. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require for animals to be tested, there are in fact other options for testing these products without harming animals. Hundreds of companies – including Avon, The Body Shop and Mary Kay – already in fact use humane non-animal testing methods to ensure the safety of their cosmetics.

Product testing is commonly performed on animals to measure the levels of skin irritancy, eye tissue damage, and toxicity caused by various substances used in the company's cosmetic products. In the some tests, acidic substances are placed in the eyes of conscious rabbits to evaluate damage to sensitive eye tissues. This is extremely painful for the rabbits, who often scream when the substances are applied and sometimes break their necks or backs trying to escape the restraints. 

Lethal Dosage (LD) tests are used to determine the amount of a substance that will kill a predetermined ratio of animals. For example, in the LD50 test, the animals under examination are forced to ingest poisonous substances (through stomach tubes, vapor spray inhalers or injection) until half of them die. Common reactions to LD tests include convulsions, vomiting, paralysis and bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth or rectum.

The Failure of Animal Testing
Not only is animal testing inhumane; it is more often than not inaccurate. For example, LD tests do not measure human health hazards, but only determine how toxic the product is to the type of animal it was tested on. Test results cannot be compared between a mouse to a rat, let alone from a rat to a human. Each species reacts differently to various substances. Moreover, LD test results can be affected by the age and sex of the animals tested, their housing and nutritional conditions and how the compound is administered. 

Humane and Effective Alternatives
Non-animal testing methods that are more reliable and less expensive have been developed. These make use of cell and skin tissue cultures, corneas from eye banks, and sophisticated computer and mathematical models. Some companies avoid testing altogether by using non-toxic natural ingredients or those that have already been safety-approved by the Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance Association. As Gordon Baxter, cofounder of Pharmagene Laboratories, which uses only computers and human tissues to create and test drugs once said, “If you have information on human genes, what’s the point of going back to animals?”

What's Being Done to Stop Animal Testing?
In 2003, the European Union passed a ban on the use of animals in cosmetics testing starting in 2009, and a complete sales ban effective in 2013. So why do some American companies still insist on conducting these barbaric and obsolete tests? 

The resistance of industry technicians and researchers trying to protect their jobs also contributes to the lack of enthusiasm and action. In addition, corporate legal departments typically use animal testing as a way to evade liability in the event of a lawsuit. However, consumers who purchase products from companies that test on animals are also partly responsible.

I must urge consumers to use their purchasing power to send a strong message to cosmetics manufacturers that testing on animals is cruel and unacceptable

Are Brands bad for the society?

Do you buy brands? before you do please consider what they are doing to us.

Branding is a form of advertising that brainwashes the population into considering their brand over others. This post will argue that brands are phenomenally bad for the society and reasons why the society has more choice of their product rather then just for the brand.

There are many reason for anti-branding:
here are some points.

•They are selling lifestyles rather then the actual product.

•Branding make us feels bad about our products and ourselves to create the intention to make us purchase more product (Hamilton and Dennis 2005)

•Customers are being brainwash from the advertisement that influences us; therefore, with out the brand, customers see nothing for that price.

•Companies have used branding to persuade society that success and happiness can be found in a can of Coca Cola

•Brands are everywhere in the world, people buy brands to show off or simply for security.

•The marketing companies depend on consumers, whether or not they are manipulated by the advertisement As a result the consumer feels the need to purchase brands

•Branding changes our way of thinking making us feel deprived and how it persuade our human mind to purchase products

•Branding manipulates consumer’s obsessiveness.

•Companies sponsoring their idols to wear, used products. They using famous celebrity to advertise their products persuading fans to purchase the merchandise.

•Some individual expectation of a high quality product will automatically send message to the consumer that it will be a “better” product then no name brands due to its price.

•Marketers employ psychologist to help them advertise their product to the public so it is much more affected.

•Marketers also give marketing promises, to convince the public.

•Brands are seen as safe and reliable choice for consumers to buy the product.

•Purchasing brands are depended on the social level of the consumer

•It also depends on consumers that want to change their social status by purchasing brand names.

•The power of branding is to manipulate the public that positive emotion can be found through purchasing brands.

Therefore before you purchase anything expensive or any brands think about it take a sec.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Straight off the catwalk & behind the scenes...

Greetings, ladies and gentleman. Seems as though you have come across the Fashion Faux Pas blog. Before you get an explanation of what our purpose is. Don’t forget to take a good look around, skim through our posts and feel free to comment as much as you like!

Okay, lets begin – the Fashion Faux Pas blog focuses on the no no’s behind the fashion industry. More specifically the inhumane treatment of animals, sweatshop workers, and the hypnotic influence of brands on their consumers.

Behind the scenes of Fashion Faux Pas

Chloe will be opening the eyes of our readers to the cruelty of animal testing in the cosmetic industry. Anything to do with lipgloss, eyeshadow, foundation and botox – she’ll write about it.

We want you to think twice about wearing fur as it is cruel. This is what Eileen will be presenting to our readers. The behind the scenes savagery and torture towards animals in order to create those luxury coats, scarves and hats, etc that seem to be determine the wealth of a person. No amount of wealth can excuse the millions of murders each year.

Does a homeless man wear Versace? No. Why is this? Well that is what Eyan is going discuss. More to the point – she will discuss the class seperation within society that is a result of big name fashion brands. The influence of such brands often creates a social divide and determines the status of each member of society.

Last but not least is Sarah. She will be focusing on the desperate industrial world of sweatshop workers and the violation of human and work rights by governments and big brand entrepreneurs. The clothes each of us wear have the sweat and tears of these people, both young children and elderly men and women.

We are sure that one, if not all of these topics wil draw the interest of our readers. Enjoy reading and please do not hesitate to post comments, feedback and your own opinion in regards to each of the topics – everyone is entitled to their own viewpoints and beliefs!