Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wearing Fur is a Big NO!

Each year over 50 million animals are murdered for fashion by the fur industry. The majority of the animals spend their entire lives on fur farms where every natural instinct is denied to them. Animals on fur farms often show revelatory signs of insanity such as nervous pacing, self-mutilation, and cannibalism. In the end of their lives, living in cramped and unsanitary conditions, these animals die a torturous and painful death at the hands of the fur farmer.

For the millions of animals trapped in the wild, their fate is no better. Often animals caught in traps attempt to chew off their own legs to escape; some bleed to death before the trapper arrives; and others fall in to predators while trapped. Even “non-target” animals are often caught in these traps. Unwanted, these animals are thrown away or set free with fatal injuries. For the animals that do survive until the trapper arrives, death is inescapable.

Animals are killed for their fur using such methods as gassing, trapping, anal or vaginal electrocution, neck breaking, stomping, clubbing or drowning, and some are even skinned alive. As their skin is being torn from their muscle they are often still moving and fighting for their lives. Numerous animals continue to move once they are skinless and thrown away. 
To make one fur coat the following number of animals suffer and die:

  • 12 to 15 lynxes
  • 10 to 15 wolves or coyotes
  • 15 to 20 foxes
  • 35 rabbits
  • 60 to 80 minks
  • 27 to 30 raccoons
  • 10 to 12 beavers
  • 60 to 100 squirrels
  • 200 chinchillas  

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